Publications and Handouts
You may view our two main volunteer publications online in flipbook form:
Annual Funds by Colleges/Units
In your individual outreach, you will encounter donors who have shown an interest in supporting particular annual funds. To encourage further giving, you will want share the respective dean or director’s list of priorities for future gifts. You will also run into donors who have never before supported an annual fund and, in order for you to solicit such a gift, you need to share information about an annual fund or two that matches the donors’ current giving interests. In either of these situations, you will strengthen your ask by providing specific information on the annual funds in question.linking to the respective Giving to Cornell landing page for the including a short, 2-page brochure about the respective fund(s) or
You have several options for sharing annual fund information:
1. CORNELL GIVING ANNUAL FUND LANDING PAGES: You can direct donors to the general Annual Funds page on the Giving to Cornell web site, which offers an overview of the funds with links to the landing pages for each of the colleges and units. Or, you can send them directly to any of the individual landing pages (see the list below with embedded links). The benefit of linking to pages on the Cornell Giving site is that the donor can make their gift to Cornell directly from these pages (one stop shopping).
2. ANNUAL FUNDS USAGES GUIDE: The Guide offers more robust overviews of each of the annual funds, which some people will find more compelling than what is offered on the landing pages. You may download this zipped file of FY25 Annual Fund Spreads, which contains a PDF of each college and unit entry. Once you save this, you can easily access the files to share with donors as email attachments. Alternately, you can share the respective online link to the PDF, which you will find in the far right column of the chart below.